Thursday, 25 October 2012

Some more light painting ...

I used my usual tripod and Canon 5D with long exposure to create these. Couldn't have done it without the help of some very enthusiastic toddlers, glow sticks and sparklers. So much fun!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

A beautiful day for a wedding...




Wednesday, 17 October 2012

I found my new favourite cafe, sat down and decided to sit my camera on the table and take some random shots.  It's amazing how one chair can have so much happen to it in the space of one hour.

All good, got a shot of this guy reading. He has an ineteresting face and I was waiting for him to look up. Then...

... he decided to leave. That's okay I thought, I'll just get photos of the chair and the zippy little car. Then...

 ... this guy stood in front of my chair and the zippy little car.

              All good, chair still available..until...

 That's fine, I'll just get some shots of the car instead...